Hi I’m Kristi, just a Jupiter, Florida girl.
I founded Puzzle Peace Now in 2009 as a non-profit to support South Florida families who, like ours, are trying to raise our special kids without sweating to death.
My husband and I are parenting our adult son who was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder at age three. We also have been blessed with a neurotypical teenage boy teenager, who can typically drive us up a wall. Calgon, take me away!
Where do I stand at this point in our journey? I certainly have not made “peace” with autism; we will have to agree to disagree. I do know that I will no longer allow the disorder to make this mom feel angry, sad, blameful, or ashamed. Life is just Too. Damned. Short.
Read Puzzle Peace Now’s blog, a chronical of my perfectly imperfect autism parenting adventures that is barely fit to print. It helped me realize how incredible my kiddos are, and that I may be doing some things right. If you prefer, consider my tales examples of what NOT to do. You won’t hurt my feelings! I have since traded in my keyboard for a microphone, so if you care to keep up I present Disorderly Blondes Autism Podcast.
Laugh at me, laugh with me, just LAUGH.
In between working hard raising money for local families affected by developmental disorders and raising two wild boys, I am sllooooowwwwly thinking about picking up the pen again. I’m picturing Dante’s Inferno, screenplay by Mel Brooks. I swear autism truth is stranger than any fiction, and pray I stay sane long enough to put that pen to paper.
Have something to tell me? Never be afraid to reach out. I’ll either be on a beach, golf course, or at bar. Can you watch my kids?
Peace and love always,
Kristi ☮
If you’ve met one child with autism, you’ve met one child with autism.
Families First
Cash in hand for major
autism costs.
Recreation & The Arts
Funding summer programs and
maximizing fun in between.
Supporting innovative
school-based autism programs.
Offering our personal story and thoughts meant to lift others in our same shoes.
Are you READY to experience a “DIY” Fundraiser? Ready to “move” when and where you like: day or night, on the road or in the air conditioning? With WHOM you like? Let’s GOOOOO!